Normalizing Death and Dying One Video at a Time
As a nationally certified hospice and palliative care registered nurse with over 17 years of experience, I have a passion for hospice advocacy and normalizing death and dying. I've been with so many families of dying people who were terrified as they observed things happening with their person they had never seen before. It is easy to fear that which we do not understand. Whenever I told them "That's normal," their relief was palpable.
During the pandemic of 2020 I found my way to social media. By using a variety of teaching styles including TikTok trends, dark humor, dancing, storytelling, and straight talk; I discovered a unique way to utilize my death care expertise to provide education to a worldwide audience at a grassroots level. My philosophy is, not talking about death won't stop it from happening and the more you accept and plan for it, the better your death will be.
Penny Hawkins Smith